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Rated 5 out of 5
5 out of 5 stars (based on 6 reviews)
Very good0%

Thank you!


Dozer is up to 67 pounds! Will try to send updated photos soon. 

Thank you.

Thank you!


Hi Marvin,
All is well and Charlie (now named Max) is doing wonderful. He is 15 pounds now and is loving life in his new home. He's gotten so many toys and plays with just about every one of them. We are currently in the process of getting a fence built for him as he loves the outdoors so we've been taking him for short walks for the time being.
All our friends and family love him. Some of them wanted to know if his parents are expected to have another litter?

Thank you!


Leif is a wonderful puppy and such a great addition to our family. We love him so much and cannot imagine our life without him. He is a healthy, smart and loving dog and we are very lucky to have him. 
Thank you,

Thank you


Hi Marvin

 Max is the lighter colored one and Cooper is the darker more red colored one. Just so you know we did just have them groomed, so their fur is usually a little longer. We love them and really enjoy them. 

Jeremy and Kari Kenepp 

Thank you!


Thank you!


Hey Marvin! We love the puppies so so much. They are 1 now and they are inseperable. Gradey who is now Brody is 27 pounds and Gemma who is now Lexi is 46 pounds! Such a size difference but its so funny telling everyone they are siblings and seeing everyone in shock. Thank you for reaching out and seeing how they are! 

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This review is based on my own experience and is my genuine opinion.